Sponsor A Student

Sponsor a Secundaria Student

Most children in San Felipe cannot afford to attend school past the sixth grade. This means that children start working at a young age and earn much lower wages. We believe that all children should be able to attend school and get a great education.

You can make a difference in a child's ability to attend school. As a sponsor, your gift of $125 fulfills a child's needs for one school year. Your sponsorship covers the cost of uniforms, shoes, a breakfast program we provide at the schools, bus ticket, and school supplies. 

As a sponsor, you will be linked with a student in financial need who attends either Escuela Tecnica or Escuela Amistad--the local junior high schools. You will receive information about your student(s), including a picture, bio information, and semester grades. You will also have the opportunity to meet your student at an ice cream social. 

As of 2024, 173 students are actively receiving these scholarships.

Sponsorship is $125 USD Yearly for 3 Years. We encourage a 3-year commitment to support a student through graduation, which includes grades 7th, 8th, and 9th. 

To begin sponsorship for the 2024-2025 school year, please click the button below and fill out the form. One of our members will be in touch with you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much of the scholarship money goes toward the student?

100% of the funds donated go toward each student. Las Amigas does not take an administrative cut as we are a volunteer-based organization.

Can I write off this charitable donation on my taxes?

Yes, Las Amigas holds non-profit status in the U.S. and Mexico. 

As a 501(c)3 our tax exempt number is #98-0440465. 

Club Las Amigas A.C.

P.O. Box 9011 PMB #45

Calexico, CA 92232

We can provide you with a receipt for your taxes.

Why do you ask for a 3-year commitment?

Our goal is to ensure that students are able to attend school through graduation. A three-year commitment in our Secundaria Sponsorship program covers grades 7th-9th. 

What is Tecnica and Amistad?

Tecnica and Amistad are the local secundaria or middle schools in San Felipe. They are public schools for students in grades 7th-9th. 

Tecnica is located on the north side of town by Campo Uno. Amistad is located in town not far from the Chetumal. 

Do you pay the student or the school?

In our Secundaria Sponsorship program, the money is paid to vendors that we work with directly. Families get to choose how they wish to allocate the funds. If a student does not need a uniform (maybe they had an older sibling), then the family can allocate more funds toward meals or bus money. We track funds spent for each sponsored student.

What happens after I submit the form?

The form provides us with basic contact information. Someone from Las Amigas will reach out to you through the email address provided. The next step will be selecting a student(s) and payment options.