It's All About Education

Established in 1986 to further the education of children from San Felipe who desire to achieve their fullest potential, but need financial help to do so.  Club Las Amigas holds non-profit status in both the USA 501 (C)3 and Mexico, A.C. 

By offering comprehensive scholarships for formal education, tuition, school supplies, bus tickets, uniforms, and meals, we are committed to removing barriers and ensuring all students can attend school and receive a good education.


We’re thrilled to announce our second Casino Day on April 10 at the Ejido Social Hall! Don’t miss out on the fun!

Pre-sale tickets (with bonus chips!) will be available at the Swap Meet.

Want to get involved? We’re looking for volunteer dealers and prize donations for top payouts. If you’d like to help, comment below or email us at

All proceeds go toward university scholarships for local students. 

Click HERE to learn more about this event.

In Their Words...

Club Las Amigas Scholarship Recipient Story
Club Las Amigas Logo

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Club Las Amigas is a registered 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization. All donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. 

Tax Exempt #98-0440465 | Club Las Amigas A.C. PO Box 9011 PMB #45 Calexico, CA 92232
